Centrally located in Europe
The city of Dortmund
Dortmund (around 600.000 inhabitants) is one of the largest cities in Germany. Because of its convenient communication facilities the city is an especially attractive location for business companies. In the last few decades the city has abandoned the redundant image of coal and steel and undergone a radical structural transformation in the region.
Alongside trade and crafts the city is mainly concentrated on new technologies, above all bio-medicine, information technology, microsystems technology (MST) and logistics. At the moment more than 37.000 people are employed in 1.400 firms in these "future" branches. In logistics alone there are almost 22.000 people working in around 640 companies. Furthermore, Dortmund is the largest software location in North Rhine-Westphalia and contains the largest cluster of MST companies in Germany.
Whether creative businesses, industry or service enterprises – the variety of companies characterizes the Dortmund location as well as the entire region. We are a strong, reliable partner for established companies and innovative start-ups and offer a wide network and a comprehensive range of consulting programmes.