• Companies on the science and technology campus and in the centers of TZDO

Company Directory

Company directory


logarithmo GmbH & Co. KG

logarithmo is a software partner for the provision and implementation of data-based services for the energy sector and manufacturing companies. Our data analysts from the energy and logistics sectors use our internally developed software framework, with which we quickly and efficiently transform our customers' ideas into a productive application. Whether it' s about optimizing existing processes or a completely new business idea: We discuss the concepts with you and implement a prototype within the shortest possible time, which can be accessed as a web application. 

information and communication technology, multimedia
logistics/material flow
technology-oriented services
Contact info
Company name logarithmo GmbH & Co. KG
Address Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 20
Zip Code & City 44227 Dortmund
Location Wissenschafts- und Technologiecampus
Phone +49 231 226 134 00
Homepage https://www.logarithmo.de
E-Mail mail@logarithmo.de
Contact person
Name Dr. Felix Friemann
E-Mail mail@logarithmo.de